Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's been positively FOREVER since I posted last, but since I did, school hath begun! It's pretty normal, as far as the first couple weeks of school can be, but all of my teachers are nice except my Health teacher. Who I want to strangle. He says that if "you don't have personal technology, you don't have a choice" and talks about eating a healthy diet while rubbing his own potbelly.
Emma has a crush on the most popular boy at school now, who she doesn't have any chance with, ever. Macey* (old friend from 3rd grade, her new fake name) has a crush on three different people. Her neighbor, her boyfriend, and a new kid who I also kinda think is cute.
I finished three islands on Poptropica for the first time. I finished a couple for the second/third time. I still have Social Studies homework to do. Eh. I'll get back ;)